Gengar Pattern

Yay! Just in time for Halloween, I’m bringing this Gengar pattern for you guys ^^

This is such a coincidence :O I never intended to do Gengar to celebrate the Halloween, I made him as a gift for my boyfriend’s birthday on october, since Gengar is one of his favorite pokemons, but, it was a great coincidence ^^

I really enjoyed the experience of making Gengar and I was very excited to make his back, lol. Well, I really liked the way it turned out and and I gained some experience making him, because I had to do some things that I never did before xD

Let’s go to the pattern :3


– Dark purple yarn;

– Red and white felt;

– Fiberfill;

– Black fabric paint;

– Brush;

– 4mm crochet hook;

– 2,5mm crochet hook;

– Tapestry needle;

– Contact glue;


– I always do my crochet works using continuous rounds;

– Everytime I will do a crochet work, the first thing I do is take a look in the entirely pattern before start doing it, so, I can have an idea of how the pattern works. Well, I recommend you to do the same;

– For sewing the pieces together you will use the tapestry needle;

– To make the eyes and mouth you will use the felt and the fabric paint.

Update (06.06.2015): Hi Guys! I want to thank you all for being so kind and for all the kindly words you sent me by comments or email! Recently, I’m having a hard time to answer all the questions sent to my email and the comments. I’m sorry that I’m not able to answer your doubts. However, if you have any doubt, I’m sure that it is worth to leave a comment here, because even if I can’t answer you, I’m sure that someone in the community will try to help you out ^^


– Body:

Round 1: 6 sc in MR (6)

Round 2: 2 sc in each sc (12)

Round 3: sc, inc (18)

Round 4: 2 sc, inc (24)

Round 5: 3 sc, inc (30)

Round 6: 4 sc, inc (36)

Round 7: 5 sc, inc (42)

Round 8: sc in each sc (42)

Round 9: 6 sc, inc (48)

Round 10-11: sc in each sc (48)

Round 12: 7 sc, inc (54)

Round 13-14: sc in each sc (54)

Round 15: 8 sc, inc (60)

Round 16-19: sc in each sc (60)

Round 20: 9 sc, inc (66)

Round 21-25: sc in each sc (66)

Round 26: 10 sc, dec (60)

Round 27-30: sc in each sc (60)

Round 31: 8 sc, dec (54)

Round 32-33: sc in each sc (54)

Round 34: 7 sc, dec (48)

Round 35-36: sc in each sc (48)

Round 37: 6 sc, dec (42)

Round 38: sc in each sc (42)

Round 39: 5 sc, dec (36)

Round 40: 4 sc, dec (30)

Round 41: 3 sc, dec (24)

Round 42: 2 sc, dec (18)

Round 43: sc, dec (12)

Round 44: dec (6)

Finish off.


– Big Horns from head (make 2):

Round 1: sc 4 in MR (4)

Round 2: sc in each sc (4)

Round 3: inc (8)

Round 4: sc in each sc (8)

Round 5: sc, inc (12)

Round 6: sc in each sc (12)

Round 7: sc 2, inc (16)

Round 8: sc in each sc (16)

Round 9: sc 3, inc (20)

Round 10: sc in each sc (20)

Round 11: sc 4, inc (24)

Round 12: sc in each sc (24)

Round 13: sc 5, inc (28)

Round 14: sc in each sc (28)

Finish off and leave a long tail.


– Eyebrow (make 2 and use the 2,5mm hook):

Round 1: 3 sc in magic ring (3)

Round 2: sc, inc, sc (4)

Round 3:sc, inc, sc, sc (5)

Round 3: sc, sc, inc, sc, sc (6)

Round 4: sc, sc, dec, sc, sc (5)

Round 5: sc, dec, sc, sc (4)

Round 6: sc, dec, sc (3)

Finish off and leave a long tail.


– Back spikes from the sides (make 8):

Round 1: sc 4 in MR (4)

Round 2: sc in each sc (4)

Round 3: inc (8)

Round 4: sc in each sc (8)

Round 5: sc, inc (12)

Finish off and leave a long tail.


– Back spikes from the middle (6 in total):

– Crochet 3 spikes like “back spikes from the sides”

– Crochet 2 spikes in this way:

Round 1: sc 4 in MR (4)

Round 2: sc in each sc (4)

Round 3: inc (8)

Round 4: sc in each sc (8)

Round 5: sc, inc (12)

Round 6-7: sc in each sc

Finish off and leave a long tail.

– Crochet one spike in this way:

Round 1: sc 4 in MR (4)

Round 2: sc in each sc (4)

Round 3: inc (8)

Round 4: sc in each sc (8)

Finish off and leave a long tail.


– Middle spike from head (make 1):

Round 1: sc 4 in MR (4)

Round 2: sc in each sc (4)

Round 3: inc (8)

Round 4: sc in each sc (8)

Round 5: inc 4, sc 4 (12)

Round 6: sc in each sc (12)

Row 7: sc 6

Row 8: sc 6

Finish off and leave a long tail.


– Medium middle spike from head (make 1):

Round 1: sc 4 in MR (4)

Round 2: sc in each sc (4)

Round 3: inc (8)

Round 4: sc in each sc (8)

Row 5: sc 4

Finish off and leave a long tail.


– Small middle spike from head (make 1):

Round 1: sc 4 in MR (4)

Round 2: sc in each sc (4)

Round 3: inc (8)

Row 4: sc 4

Row 5: sc 4

Finish off and leave a long tail.


– Arms:

Round 1: 6 sc in MR (6)

Round 2: 2 sc in each sc (12)

Round 3: inc in next 4, sc in next 8 (16)

Round 4-5: sc in each sc (16)

Round 6: sc 2, inc in next 4, sc 10 (20)

Round 7-10: sc in each sc (20)

Round 12: sc 5, inc in nest 4, sc 11 (24)

Round 13:sc in each sc (24)

Round 14: sc, inc, sc 3, inc, dec 4, sc 3, inc, sc 3, inc, sc 2 (24)

Round 15: sl 2, sc 3, hdc 10, sc 3, sl 6 (24)

Round 16: sl 2, sc 3, hdc 10, sc 3, sl 6 (24)

Round 17: sl 2, sc 3, hdc 10, sc 3, sl 6 (24)

Finish off.


– Fingers:

Round 1: sc 4 in MR (4)

Round 2: inc (8)

Finish off and leave a long tail.


– Legs:

Round 1: 6 sc in MR (6)

Round 2: 2 sc in each sc (12)

Round 3: sc, inc (18)

Round 4: sc in each sc (18)

Round 5: sc 4, inc, sc 3, inc, sc 4, inc, sc 3, inc (22)

Round 6: sc 10, inc (24)

Round 7: sc 7, inc (27)

Round 8: sc in each sc (27)

Row 9: sc 3, inc, sc, inc, sc, inc, sc, inc, sc, inc, sc 3 (20)

Row 10: sc 6, inc, sc, inc, sc, inc, sc, inc, sc, inc, 5 (25)

Row 11: sc in each sc (25)

Finish off and leave a long tail.

After finished, you should first sew it to the body and only after that you should fill it with the fiberfill.


– Foot:

Round 1: 6 sc in mr (6)

Round 2: inc (12)

Round 3: sc 3, inc (15)

Round 4-6: Sc in each Sc (15)

Round 9: sc 3, dec (12)

Round 10: dec (6)

Finish off.

-Toes (use the 2,5mm hook ):

Round 1: sc 4 in mr (4)

Round 2: inc (8)

Finish off and leave a long tail.


– Tail:

Round 1: sc 4 in mr (4)

Round 2: sc in each sc (4)

Round 3: inc (8)

Round 4: sc in each sc (8)

Round 5: inc 4, sc 4 (12)

Round 6: sc in each sc (12)

Round 7: sc, inc 6, sc 5 (18)

Round 8-10: sc in each sc (18)

Round 11: sc 6, inc in next 6, sc 6.  (24)

Round 12: sc in each sc (24)

Round 13: hdc 5, sl 15, hdc 4 (24)

Round 14: hdc 6, sl 15, hdc 3 (24)

Round 15: hdc 7, sl 15, hdc 2 (24)

Round 16: hdc 8, sl 15, hdc (24)

Row 17: hdc 9

Row 18: hdc 9

Finish off and leave a long tail.


First, you should sew the two big horns that Gengar has on his head. Then, sew the spikes on his head. After that, you should sew his arms to body, but, before sewing them, you will need to fold the last rows in a way to make it more angulated. For that, please fold in a way that the two last rows on the top will be inside the arms, three last rows on the sides will be into the inside and the last 4 rows from the bottom will be inside the arms. Here are some photos to help you:

Before folding

Then, sew his fingers to his arms. In next step sew his feet to his legs and the toes to the each foot. Finally, sew the legs, folding the tips, and the tail to the body. To complete it, you need to do his eyes and mouth. I recommend you to first do it in a paper and try to see how it look like on his face. When you get satisfied with the size and shape, you should cut the felt in the desired shape. Then, use the black paint to paint his pupils on the eyes. Before gluing the eyes to his face, you should pin them on his face with an adhesive tape and, so, sew his eyebrows. After that, you should glue the eyes. Then make his smile using white felt and the black paint and glue it to his face.


I did not created this character, Gengar is copyright of Nintendo!!

This Pattern was created by Ana Amélia Mendes Galvão.

1. Please do not claim my pattern as your own;
2. If you use this pattern, please, give me the credits;
3. If you wish to share this pattern, you may create a link to my blog, but please do not post it on your site;
4. You may not sell any of my patterns;
5. You are free to adapt this pattern, you can build another upon this one, but you must give appropriate credit to me for the original pattern;

147 thoughts on “Gengar Pattern”

  1. Consider being more constructive, please look over your comment and write it again properly. For example:

    ” I really like the design of this gengar, I am having a bit of trouble understanding it and was wondering if you had more pictures to reference? (here you can list specific parts you are having trouble with). Any help would be great, and thank you again for this FREE pattern.”

    See, that is much better then just telling someone their pattern is terrible.

    Thank you for coming to my TED talk.

  2. This pattern is written terribly! I had to keep referring to the pictures, of which there are very few as well. Please look over this and write it again properly.

  3. I’m new to this and wanted to make something for my boyfriend!

    I was wondering what yarn size you used. Did you use a light yarn that recommends 4mm crochet hook?

    I also calculated the stitches and came to about 3337 stitches, which means that I would need about 93 yards of yarn. Am I right? Thank you!

  4. Robin Camara III

    Excuse me but I am at a loss here. When I’m doing the Center Middle Spike on the top of the head, how do I sc 6 in rows 7 & 8 when I’m working on the round!?

    1. Also, in “Legs: Row 9 – sc 3, inc, sc, inc, sc, etc”, how did you get 20 stitches when you’re increasing from 27 from Row 8?

      1. I’m looking at the foot section and that seems to be missing rows 7 & 8 in the pattern. Do you know what we do there?

        1. Hi you might not see this but I believe the artist just mislabeled the steps, where row 9 is actually row 7 etc since the foot I made turned out to look similar to the photo without need other step. Try using “row9” decreasing steps as well as “row 10” and compare to the photo if it looks similar shape wise you should be good to go!

      2. Yeah I’m having issues with the leg too… I tried doing the row twice but it doesn’t seem right to me.

      3. Hi I’m trying this pattern as well and I get your confusion. I figured out that you have to alternate decrease and single stitch. So I worked it out as 3 sc, dec, sc, dec, sc, dec sc dec sc dec sc dec sc dec, 4sc. So my last dec would fall on even number 16 and then have 4 sc to get my total number 20. I hope this helps!!

  5. Pingback: Elementor #12697 - Academia do Crochê

  6. Pingback: Crochet | Pearltrees

  7. Pingback: Gengar | AmiBR

      1. Hola!
        inc = increase, aumento (2 puntos en un mismo punto)
        mr = magic ring, anillo mágico o circulo mágico
        sc = single crochet, punto bajo
        dec = decrease, disminución


  8. Thanks Mia! Between this and the Mega Charizard, you’ve helped me make two 8 year olds very happy!

  9. Michelle Wainwright

    Can I have help with legs , rnd 6 has sc 10 , Inc (24) & rnd 11 has sc7 , Inc (27) please help how did u get that x

  10. Pingback: AmiBR | Gengar

    1. Samantha Gittemeier

      I know I am super late to give a response, but in case anyone else needs it in the future.
      [ ] = Repeat instructions inside brackets
      x # = Repeat instructions this many times
      ( ) = Total number of stitches at end of row/round
      Round 26: 10sc, dec (60) —> [9sc, 1dec] x 6 (60)

  11. Curious as to whether or not you make and sell these? I have ZERO skill at this craft so I can only get ones of this kind of high quality if another makes it

        1. Only took a few hours to crochet all the pieces. Took me another week to sew it all together. (That’s the time consuming part)

          1. Shelley Robertson

            You must crochet much looser than I do, it has taken me hours to just get the body done. I use a 2.50mm hook for all of the pattern.

  12. I’mean having huge difficulties in the leg…when I switch from round 8 to row 9, I understand that I just proceed with row 9 after I finish round 8…then do a ch, n turn to do row 10..but the problem is…I ended up with somewhat of a open ended piece…somewhat like a blooming flower with one edge higher (due to the rows) .

    Any help is appreciated!

    1. That’s exactly how the leg is supposed to be 😁 When you attach the leg the taller side will be on the outer side of his body and the shorter on the inner/under side. This way he can stand on his legs with the help of his tail.

        1. Fold the open edges inward just the slightest bit (I think there’s a pic showing this for the arms) Hope this helps 😊

      1. OHHHH you’re supposed to TURN instead of rounding it? No WONDER my leg looks all jacked up lol. Guess I have to do it again

  13. I’m having a super hard time on the eyebrows. They just are so small that they aren’t working out. Any words of advice?

    1. I had the same issue! For the decreases, I just skipped 1 stitch and that helped, but I think I am going to try and rework them in rows and sew them into the tube shape after. It’s just so hard to do a round of 3!

        1. I’m struggling with the eyebrows right now too. I am using the smallest needle. Any help you can offer? Do I want to do a looser stitch?

  14. Hello I just started crocheting the body. At what round do I need to start to put in the fiberfill? Thank you

  15. Okay I keep getting the body wrong some how. What do I do to increase it properly I keep getting too many stitches. Please someone help explain this to me. I am not new to crochet but I’ve never read patterns before. I always free hand. Please help

    1. Hi Lara, to increase each round, do 2 sc in a stitch then sc in individual stitches per count on pattern. Generally each around increases 1 stitch in between the 2 stitches in a single stitch. So it would be sc2, sc repeated all the way around. Then next row would be sc2, sc, sc, sc2, etc all the way around. Next would be sc2, then sc in 3 individual stitches. Hope this helps

  16. Hello, I can’t carry on his arm. i don’t understand what does “dec” mean – raw 14. Raw 15 what is it “hdc” ? Thank you

    1. Dec means decrease, crochet 2 together. Anders hdc means half douche crochet. I don’t know how to explain in English. Maybe YouTube will help?

  17. Es hermoso,muy agradecida a vos por publicar el patrón,prometo cuando lo termine adjuntar tu link para que vean quien lo creó.

  18. When you go from rounds to rows, like on the spikes on top of the head, do I start my row where the round ended or do I turn and start the row “on top” of the round I just finished? I’m a beginner and taking on a rather ambitious project in this Gengar for my husband, but learning a lot!

  19. Crystal L Weigell

    Hello! The arm goes from round 10 to 12. Where did 11 go?? Please let me know how to resolve this. Thank you!

    1. When I did the arms, I just did round 12 as round 11 and carried on from there, because the way it increased in the pattern just made it seem like a numbering error

        1. Replying for anyone else who is trying to make this, to make row 14 of the arm symmetrical and make it add up to 24 I did: sc2, inc, sc3, inc, sc3, dec4, sc3, inc, sc3, inc, sc2, which seemed to work

  20. Hello Mia! I am trying to crochet this for my husband but I got a little confused on the arms, on rounds 15-17, what does “sl” mean? Thank you!

    1. Does anyone know if starting with the eyebrows you switch to 2.5mm hook from there on or only for the making of the eyebrows and then back to the larger hook Thanks

  21. \Medium middle spike from head (make 1):

    Round 1: sc 4 in MR (4)

    Round 2: sc in each sc (4)

    Round 3: inc (8)

    Round 4: sc in each sc (8)

    **Row 5: sc 4**

    How do I go from 8 to 4? Or am I reading this wrong?

    1. On round 3 it says Inc (8)
      Inc means increase
      To increase you put 2 single crochet in each of the four stitches and that will give you the total of 8 stitches to work with on round 4.

      Hope this helps

  22. Pingback: Patrón gratis amigurumi de Gengar de Pokemon - agumirumis

  23. Hi Mia!
    I love your pattern! Thank you so much for posting
    Im currently making this, and have a quick question
    On the feet, the pattern goes round 4-6 to round 9. Are there rounds 7 and 8?
    Thanks :)

      1. i have been wondering the same thing and am stuck on the feet part because of this. does anyone know the answer?

        1. I don’t know the answer but what I did was just continued to follow the pattern ignoring that the next rounds were labeled 9 & 10. I basically made 9 & 10, rounds 7 & 8. His feet turned out fine this way. Hope that helps :-)

  24. Pingback: How to Crochet a Gengar Face | Sheenah Freitas

  25. Can you pretty please do a Mewtwo? I know someone else who made a free pattern (Ah creations ) but I think if you did it he would look epic!

  26. Thank you soooo much for posting this! I am still rather new to this, but your pattern was great! My son really liked it :)

  27. Hi Mia, I’m new in crochet and I decided to work on your pattern… But I don’t understand the difference between ’round’ and ‘row’… For example, when I’m elaborating the legs, after round 8 goes row 9, and it decrease 7 stitches… So, how can I elaborate this??

    1. When you finish the last Round don’t do anything special, just continue crocheting the stitchs of the first row. After you have crocheted all the stitches of the first row, ch 1 and turn. Then go on xD It wont go up all the legs anymore, but just a piece of it. You won’t decrease to make it.

  28. Hello, I have been working on your pattern and am wondering if you could elaborate on the legs for me a bit? After round 5 is where I lose all hope. Am I turning the work around once I finish round six then turning again after seven? I would much appreciate your help, this is such an awesome pattern. I must complete! >.<

      1. Round 6: (sc 10, inc) reapeat two times (24)

        Round 7: (sc 7, inc) repeat three times (27)

        Round 8: sc in each sc (27)

        ** You are going to work in rows from Row 9 on. When you finish the last Round don’t do anything special, just continue crocheting the stitchs of the first row. After you have crocheted all the stitches of the first row, ch 1 and turn. Then go on xD It wont go up all the legs anymore, but just a piece of it.

        Row 9: sc 3, inc, sc, inc, sc, inc, sc, inc, sc, inc, sc 3 (20)

  29. I wanted to crochet the whole face. I got the eyes done but I’m not sure how to do the smile? Do you have any suggestions for a pattern?

  30. Hi Mia
    My name is Mia and I will make this gengar as a gift for my BF too =)
    He will also get his personal bag with some pokéballs and a Big Masterball. This will be his b-day/x-mas gift

    Thank you for the pattern =) I will take a pic when I’m done =)

  31. Hi, I’ve been working with your pattern and I’m confused as to how the legs are supposed to be attached to the body. The folding part of the legs confuse me.
    So do I fold the rows inside the leg?
    because right now it looks nothing like your model.
    It’s like they are way wider and not long enough. I would appreciate a detail view from under Gengar. Because so far it’s the only part I don’t quite grasp.

  32. Hi! I’ve been following this pattern and I just cannot work out what I’m supposed to do with the legs…. it says rounds, so are you just supposed to start row 10 after row 9 even though you won’t have gotten all the way around? I’m sorry, I’ve been working on this for months now and I really want to be done with it so I can gift it! :)

    1. Hi, Angela,
      When you finish Round 8 you continually start Row 9. Then, when you have done the last stitch of row 9, you will ch1 and turn to start Row 10.
      So, yes, you start row 10 even though you won’t have gotten all the way around xD

  33. Hello! I love this pattern but I’m having a problem with the stitch count on round 20. i keep getting 66 stitches rather than 64 and i was wondering how you did round 20 and got 64 stitches?

  34. Hi…love the pattern so farm.Im having trouble with the eyebrows..mine dont seem long enough..they are more round..are they done in round or row?

  35. Thank you for posting this!! This is my husbands favorite pokemon and now I can make one for his birthday!!!! :)

        1. Hi, Cristina :)

          Thank you so much for your comment! It was just a numbering error and “sl” it was supposed to be “sl st” (slip stitch). I will correct this ^^

          Cheers ^^

  36. Hello!

    Thanks so much for this pattern. I also am making this for my boyfriend – Gengar is his fave poke – there’s definitely a pattern!

    I just wanted to please ask you for some extra help. I’m having loads of trouble trying to sew the feet to the legs and then working out what angle I have to attach the legs to the body. Can you please let me know what angle I need to sew the feet onto? The legs are sort of trapezium shape and all slanty and I can’t figure out where to put the fold.

    Many thanks!

    1. Hi Emiko90! ^^

      You are very welcome! Haha, it is being such a coincidence about gengar and boyfriends, lol :p Thank you so much for your compliment! Also, sorry for the late reply, I have been very busy studing for my college exams :T

      Well, I will try my best to help you, because his legs are, for sure, the most annoying part of this pattern, haha. First, I recommend you to sew the legs to the body and only after that sew the feet. You should position the shorter side of the leg to the inside, this means that the shorter side of each leg should be facing each other. The longest side should be facing the outside. Well, when you position the legs like that, you should pin them with 2 stitches just to have an idea how it is looking like. After that, I recommend you to stuff it a bit and, then, fold the square tips inward, so, you will be able to sew it correctly. After that, sew the legs. I hope I’ve helped :s
      I think I will need to make a photo tutorial explaning that in the future, it will make this part a lot easier x3

  37. Hello! I’m currently making this and it’s looking great! I have a quick question though: For the last two rows of the large and small spikes on the top of the head, did you mean that I should sc 6/4 then turn and sc 6/4, or maybe slipstitch 6/4 then sc 6/4? Otherwise I’m not sure what the difference would be from just sc around ^_^;;. Just want to make sure I get it right! Thanks!

    1. Hi there! ^_^ Sorry for just answer your question now, I’m a little busy this days >.< Well, I forgot to explain in the pattern, lol. Thank you for your question! and you are welcome! Well, when you finish the last "Round" of the spikes, just start the next "Row", that it will be crochet 6/4 sc, then turn to make the next row(if it has another row), then ch1 and do last 6/4 sc on the final row. It is to work in rows in the end and not in rounds. I usually ch1 to turn, while crocheting in rows. The purpose of doing this is to let the spike inclined after sewn. If it is possible, I would love to see a photo of your Gengar, when you finish it! ^_^

      1. Thank you for your reply! I didn’t notice that the pattern changed from “Rounds” to “Rows” so that makes a lot of sense! I’ll definitely post a photo of Gengar when it’s done. Thanks so much!

  38. :D hello Mia! Gengar is my boyfriends favorite pokemon too and I was surfing the web to find some way to knit it for him <3 for Christmas~ I don't really know how to crochet…
    but i was wondering how big the gengar is? and how long this took you? :X

    1. Hi Annabel! :D
      Yay, it will be a great gift, he will love it!~
      If I’m not mistaken, he measures about 25cm tall. Well, I’m not very good on estimating time, lol, but I think you would be able to crochet it in two weeks :p
      A good way to learn some things about crochet is to search on Youtube, there are a lot of very good tutorials in there ^^ If you need any help while doing gengar, feel free to ask me. It will be a pleasure to help.

      1. I couldn’t do the eyebrows the way the pattern puts them. Here’s what I did instead, for anyone else having trouble there:

        Ch 9. Sc in ch next to hook, sc in next ch. hdc in next 2 ch. dc in next 2 ch. tr in next 2 ch. fasten off and leave a long tail for sewing

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